Let’s Talk Fitness Classes

Y’all, we need to talk about fitness classes. How did I not get into this before? It’s a pricey habit, but if you find the right gym and the right workouts, it is TOTALLY worth the depleted bank account. I started Kayla Itsines’ BBG a few weeks ago and I love it, but I needed something else to keep me excited about working out. A friend and I tried a gym by our work, and I’m officially hooked on fitness classes. It really helps me push myself when there are other people working out alongside me (or if I have someone yelling at me) and it’s awesome to have someone there to correct your form and teach you some cool new exercises. 

There are (give or take) a bazillion different gyms and styles of workouts to choose from…it’s overwhelming to say the least. I personally know that I prefer weight training or high intensity circuits to something like pilates, but I do enjoy the occasional yoga class. It’s all about finding what works for you, your schedule, and your bank account.

Keep reading to hear about some of my favourite styles of fitness classes! Let me know in the comments what you’re into, and if you’re from Toronto, where you like to go. I’m always looking for new ways to  torture my poor innocent muscles.

Full Body Circuit Training
I love doing full body workouts…feeling sore is one of those love-hate things, and full body workouts are guaranteed to make me feel sore SOMEWHERE. Ferris 360 in Toronto is my new favourite little gym; it’s small but mighty. They run 60 minute full body workouts targeted at different areas of the body. I’ve taken two legs & butt classes, and I can honestly say that they were the hardest workouts I’ve ever done. If you’ve ever used a versaclimber, you know the personal hell that I’ve been through. It was tough (and borderline pukey) but I have never felt so accomplished and so strong afterwards. My legs are better for it, and I’m addicted to the 90s jams and fast paced circuits. Bring it on, Ferris! 

Whoever said that you sweat less doing barre was a DIRTY LIAR. I took my first barre class this week and my legs were trembling like a newborn deer. I’ve always thought that my legs were my strong point…apparently I was so very wrong. But seriously, it takes some major discipline to finish each exercise…my abs and butt have never gotten such a good workout! No wonder ballerinas have such rockin’ bods…Anyways, if you’re in Toronto, I highly suggest Barre Beautiful. It’s a small studio, but it’s so gorgeous and the classes are intense. 

Youtube Videos
Okay not really a class. But it kind of counts! I don’t really do well when I’m solo in the gym without a plan…I give up too easily and am never really sure what to do. Enter Youtube workout videos. Once you find the right style of workout (yoga, pilates, HIIT, etc.), there is totally a YouTube channel for you. If you have a yoga mat and some space in your house, you don’t even need a gym. SCORE, no one can see how red and sweaty I get (#clifford) and I can listen to embarrassing musical theatre jams as loud as I want. My favourite channel is Fitness Blender…I’ve talked about them a million times, but let’s make it a million and one. Their workouts vary in length, difficulty, and style, and they are UNREAL. I am always horrendously sweaty and sore afterwards, and the workouts never get boring. If you’re looking to do some 8 minute abs after work or you need a 30-minute busy people workout, head to their channel. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though…your muscles will be screaming at you. 

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