Let It Go

via Small Anchors

via Small Anchors

I’ve always joked that “you can’t out-bitch a bitch.” I went to all girls school and have experienced every girl-fight that could possibly arise. From wearing the same dress to a dance (it was ugly anyways), to cyber hacking, to probably being a bully myself…I’ve seen it all. That’s why I’ve carried the belief that I know all of the bitch tactics; I practically wrote the book.

But like…I don’t want to be a bitch anymore.

Side note…I’m being dramatic. As usual. But I do have bitchy tendencies. The way I’ve noticed this manifesting lately is in the form of holding grudges. I feel things very strongly (blame my inner artist) and so when I’m pissed, I’m PISSED. Or I get roped into the pissiness of others. For some reason, something in me refuses to let things go. And I’m so over it.

Recently I’ve made the decision to stop letting myself “hate” on people (I use hate lightly, since I really don’t think I truly hate anyone…”hate is a strong word” I KNOW, MOM). I’ve spent way too much time gossiping, dramatizing, and letting myself be hung up on things that don’t even matter. I am so easily annoyed and wrapped up in immaturity, and I’m working on it.

I’m fully aware that I don’t need to be best friends with everyone, but on what planet is it helping me to resent others? I have some amazing girls in my life, and there are some amazing girls that I’ve been avoiding…basically for no reason. Letting go of my stupid hang-ups over the past week feels amazing, and working towards a drama-free existence is the ULTIMATE GOAL.

I want to feel lighter and happier and mature and de-stressed. If you’re sick of drama or are feeling exhausted and annoyed, I highly suggest taking a look at your relationships (or lack thereof). There must be someone out there that you’re unfairly blocking out, and it just may open the door to a friendship that you’ve needed all along.